Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 15 Notes for Members

FARM UPDATE: We spent a lot of time last week preparing some of the fields for next season. We had about 8 acres planted in Sudex, a sorghum-sudan grass that grows to about 8 feet tall. We grew this cover crop to increase our organic matter and improve the health of the soil. Jean-Paul mowed it down and then our neighbor chopped into fine pieces with his silage chopper. Once it was chopped Jean-Paul worked it under with a disc. John spent much of the week spreading compost and working it in. Soon we will plant fall cover crops of oats and peas or rye and hairy vetch to cover the soil for the winter.

Please plan to join us for a workday on Saturday, September 27. We will start at 10:00 am and harvest sweet potatoes. There will be a potluck lunch at 12:30 pm and then work again until people are tired. We will meet at the office at the south farm which is located south of the Martin Van Buren Historical Site. Bring water and sunscreen also.

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